Fresh Finds: May 18

Cass Dickson's Shopping Picks May 13 featuring the best towels on the market, comfy sneakers, and more

Shoulder Pad Shirt | Sunglasses | Charm Necklace | Woven Bag | Floral Swimsuit | Mirror | Piped Edge Towels | Citrus Skirt | Floral Shirt Dress | Green Sneakers | Embroidered Sneakers | Pearl Earrings | Blue and White Dress

While this may, at first glance, seem like a very random assortment of items, it is in fact a compilation of items I've either purchased and loved recently or have been living in my shopping cart while I debate to buy them.

I'd like to give a special mention to the Land End Towels.  They are fabulous.  They will probably go on sale Memorial Day Weekend if they aren't currently.  Seriously - who needs to spend stupid money on Weezie Towels when you can get these?